Monday, February 21, 2011

Faux-Pros! Team Kit Debate

This post is more of a question than a statement of fact.  When is it acceptable to wear a team kit and when does this become trying too hard.

I will admit that I own a few team kits.  Mainly this has been the result of buying bikes and wanted to support the brand and, well, when you have just spent $5000 on a bike…. $200 for the team kit does not seem so bad.  The issue is that I feel that I have to ride my ass off every time I wear it for fear of looking like a Russian skier with all the gear, going down the bunny hill with an avalanche beacon.
There was one time, where this really came to bit me in the ass and I must say that I feel like a choice fool… although none knew the wiser.

I was in London at the Canary Warf crit race.  These are a great show, but as they are in the ass end of know where in London that is only populated with bankers you tend not to get the same die hard cyclist fans as in Smithfield.  Never the less, I lived near this banking heaven where greed is good and the Colnago Ferrari with lightweights sell like hot cakes.  Still, very few know what pro cycling is all about.

I had been given the Rapha Condor jersey by a client of mine the other week as he worked Malmaison who at the time were a sponsor of the squad… He knew I was a keen cyclist and though that I would really like enjoy this token... truth is I was overjoyed.  It is a very cool kit and the not only is it their top quality lightweight jersey, but it have funky Pink accents. Even now, it is my go to jersey as it fits so well and looks great.

So, as with any kid with a new toy, I could not stop wearing it.  So when it can time to ride over to the race, I though that I would don the colours and support the Local London Team… Bike Mistake, Huge!

I rocked up to the side lines, bike in hand and decided to hit up the local star bucks for a double espresso.  I should have know that something was wrong when the cute girl behind the counter asked me if I was looking forward to the race.  I replied “yeah, it should be a good one” and which point she followed up with, are you going to win?

Seriously, she though that my “non-race weight” ass was going to be mixing it up with Kristian House and the Downing brothers, not a effing chance… still… she was cute… so I replied “wish me luck” – Shameless I know

Things then progressed from bad to worse.  I was on the side lines, just waiting for the race to start, when about 3 guys started chatting away at me.  I was in good mood (thanks to Starbucks Hottie) so I was happy to talk.  They were asking all sorts of questions about the team, the race and what not. An with my limited knowledge I was able to walk them through what this cycling thing was all about. Now, I know my stuff, but I am not Phil Liggett, but I must have come across and an expert.  Then the same question, “hey why are you not racing?”
How the hell do you answer that one…

“well… ummm… you see… it was a present and I am not really….. ummm… kinda… thingy….”                      Oh sod it… I’m off!

So I head for the finish line to see the action unfold…. Not such luck… as I turn the corner a scantily clad cheerleader hired to quite literally “bring in the punters” clocks me and stars to cheer and which point her 5 friends follow suit causing the  crowd to turn around and see what all the fuss was about…

OH SHIT!  RUN AWAY!!!!!!!!!!!! – (But first get the cheerleaders number… a little white lie never hurt)

So I guest the moral (or lack) of this story is…..

Team kits, very cool…. Just use them at the right time.

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