Tuesday, February 8, 2011

The Confession of a Semi Fred


Ok.  I admit it.  I am a Fred... I am not a road racer, nor a great triathlete but i have all the gear and bike and yes, these are all colour matched.  It is my MAN present.  I bring flowers home for the Mrs and Bar tape (white of course) for the bike.  It is my little me time. 

I ride every Sunday with other Freds who compete on "frediness" with each other.  The advent of the Dogma, Assos, Rapha, Sidi, Fizik, Di2 ornaments has created a group of 30-50 year olds with bike that even the top pros would be happy to ride.  After 80k we are all focused on the sprint to the coffee shop counter, not the finish line. 

So why am i sharing this?

Cause you know you are a Semi Fred too.

I will post reviews, ideas and comments on all the shinny, carbon, Ti, Vernice gadgets we all know and love. As well as where to get the best band for your buck, to ensure Fred Supremacy in the local chain gang.


Semi Fred

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