Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Why Sidis are Crap but I love them!

Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmm   Pretty!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That gentleman, they are.  Stunning.  There is nothing quite like a pair of Sidi Ergo 2 Vernice to say "Hey, I am Euro Too".  It is the cycling equivalent of a vespa covered in pasta.  The thing is, they are not very good as a shoe.  I have know this for many years.  And now on my 4th pair of Sidis it really does not matter.

So here are the problems...

No 1:  The World's Crappiest Insole!

It is basically a thin sheet of card that is kind of in the shape of the shoe.  This offers no support, vibration dampening or any other discernible benefit.  Most of the LBS guys that stock them will throw in a pair on the Specialized ones if you ask nice, and know that this is a must change.

No 2: Made of Magma!

They weigh a ton.  Well they are not that bad, but if you compare them to S-Works road shoe the difference is very noticeable.  I know it is only a few grams here and there.  But you are going to be lifting that 70-80 times a minute and it can make a difference.  Even if just a small one.

No 3: Breakable!

There is a lot on these puppies and hence a lot that can go wrong.  I have snapped, dislodged and broken most things on them.  I am often a fan of KISS.  Keep it simple stupid.  I can't say that this zen like approach is understood by the Italians.

No 4: Price

You will have to mortgage your first born and commit a pound of flesh if you go through shoes at the rate i do.  These guys are not cheap and are about as expensive as they get.  Although retailers "can't" discount they often will and there are some good deals to be had around eBay etc. Never the less you are still going to part with at least $300 - $500 by the time you are done.

So why do i buy them, time and time again!

They are pretty!

They are the prettiest I have ever seen and they feel so special.  There is something about having stupidly loud shoes that makes half way decent athletes feel that they are stepping up a level.  I will always go for these for the Sunday ride, not cause they are the best, but because they make me feel the best.

Mine a Red Vernice at the moment and I bought them so I could click my heals together and say "there is no place like home" and no matter how far out I am they will take me straight home.  By the way, I have tried this, and damn you Dorthy! They don't work.

My advice.  The best shoe out there is the S-Works, but the most special is the Ergo 2.  You choose

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