Monday, May 28, 2012

Groupo Compacto

Groupo Compacto

The new age-old question.  Compact or standard?  Rouleur or Fred?  Cippo or Chip?

Having started my cycling career in the UK and now in the Land down under there is have been many thoughts on the matter. 

I remember being in a French sportive with a few British riders when a Frechie, we will call him Pepe came up to us and started chatting away.  Before no time he looked down, squinted and smiled.  At first I was a tad worried that he was admiring my chamois position but to soon became clear that he was more concerned with the size of my “Outer Ring”.

A mate of mine (ex Elite) and a damn good ride was rocking a Triple as the course was over 3 uncategorised climbs.  Pepe looked at him and without a word exchange exclaimed in true French distain.  

“mon due a Triple, you must be Roast Beef!”

Of course he was right.  In the UK we seems not to give a damn about Compact or Standard, but still a triple is for girls and grannies. Never the less, in the flat country of the southeast (box hill does not count as a climb) we still have a love of a more civilised gearing.

In Aus however it is a different story.  Down under the idea of a smaller gear is seen as defeat before the race.  The North Shore of Sydney is by no means the Alpe but the likes of Bobbin Head, Galston and Berwera Waters will knacker you out if you rock a 53-23 for too long.   Never the less, the Rugged Lycra clad men of this fine colony insist that they are going to contest the sprint to the coffee shop and as Mario and Cav before them, must push the biggest gear known to man.

And Old Man B is behind Old Man C and with Old Man A coming around the outside on the line.... Old Man A takes it!

I however sit apart.  I am 90kg and not a mountain goat.  I love the climbs and seek them out when I can.  It is the inbuilt masochism of every cyclist to inflict the most amount of pain they can before the sun comes up on when is supposed to be a day of rest.   Still, making 9% feel like 20% is not my idea of fun. 

For a long time now, I have sported a 11-28 and a compact.  I know what you are thinking, “you wimp” but it gives me the most options without the need to keep swapping out cassttes.  I can climb and a high enough cadence to feel like am making progress and pull on the front and push a good gear. 

11-28 Baby!

The only time I feel under geared is on the docents.  This is not so much of a problem as my Testicular Fortitude does not match the speeds that I can reach if pushed.  In fact, since the arrival of the Little Cippo (now 4 months) I have been descending like Mrs Daisy.   There is something about being a new dad that means that you feel compelled to by a Baby Tank (aka a 4x4) and start to believe that every motorist is out to kill you when you are on the bike. 

So what is my advice on the Compact Vs Standard Vs Triple debate?  Nowadays there is no need to look at the triple set up unless you morning commute involves the Passo di Gavia, followed by Motirolo.  With Sram Apex offering riders the same gearing without the weight or the damage to the “Street Cred” it is a very viable option.  Still the fact that is a dedicated group set, it still advertises to the world… I need some help.

With the advent of 11 speed I feel that the compact has come in to its own.  First Campy now Shimano the 11 speed era is here.  As with the Gillet Mac 3, Mac 4 and soon to be 22 blade razors this is set to ever increase offering more for less.

My set up of a compact with 11-28 might been a bit much for some, but a 11-27 or 11-25 gives all to tweaking you need, and still the get out of jail free card offered by a compact. 

My next set up will be the new Dura-Ace 11 Speed.  I will go mechanical; as despite the love of Di2 my wallet feels compelled by the argument, if it isn’t broke don’t fix it. 

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