Monday, June 4, 2012

Sidi Ergo 3 Review

Product Review:  Sidi Ergo 3 Vent
You may recall that I am a HUGE fan of Sidi.  They are by far and away to most offensive and loud cycling shoe on the market and let’s face it that is exactly what a cycling shoe should be. 
There are few sports where you can get away with dressing like a pimp.  Gold, Skiing and Cycling come to mind and Sidi are a vital component to this look.
Looks! Ummmm tasty!
The there is no doubt that they are pretty.  The question is, for the loyal Ergo 2 customers, are they much different. Yes they are lighter than the Ergo 2 Lite, yes they have more venting, but aesthetically they are almost identical.
“Aesthetically they are almost identical”
The fit is snug, however there is a tad more to room in the toe box.  This was a bit of a grip with the old Sidis in that they needed to break in before they were super comfy.
The heal grip is great as ever and there is no chance from the Egro 2s.  The fact that you can choose the fit across the entire shoe means that with a bit of tweaking they will never give you grief even on the longest of rides.  The ratchet and fasteners remain unchanged and the upper is more or less the same.
So where is the difference?
There are lots of little things, like the toe vent and the shape of the sole which is give marginal changes but the big plus is the stiffness of the sole.  The Ergo 3s are approaching Bont territory in the stiffness game.  This feels great is sprints and on the turbo, but when holding in with the peloton the Ergo 2s did a fine job.
“The Ergo 3s are approaching Bont territory in the stiffness game”
Still Crap!
The only thing that is a draw back on the all Sidis is the insistence of the world’s worst foot bed.  Basically it is made from the thinnest, least supporting material known to man, and I now have 3 sets of Sidi foot beds new and untouched. To be honest, they really missed a trick here.  It is low cost, but would have make the 3s stand out.  
My advice:
The Ergo 3s are an evolution not a revolution and to be honest I think that they should have been called Ergo 2 Vent.  Never the less, if you your Ergo 2s have ridden their last and it is time for a change you will be happy as ever with the 3s.  I am sure there will be many who feel that they must have the latest and greatest for the tap dance around the coffee shop, but not worth ditching your 2s just ‘cause you “need” the 3s.
“the latest and greatest for the tap dance around the coffee shop”


  1. Great review, may I know which foot beds are you using?

    1. Hi Jan,

      I use the specialized medium (blue) High performace footbeds. They work well, but remember that they will mean that the shoe will fit differently as they are higher and thickers. They give more support but can make them less airy.

      It is a personal thing, but they work for me.

    2. Thanks Jason,

      My Shimano ones come with cardboard thin footbeds too. I was thinking of other alternatives to get slightly more cushioning. I have also looked at Fizik ones which are heat moldable. They go for about USD$70-80 over here (Singapore). Also, Shimano shoes have a vent between the toes. Most likely I have to cut a hole too in the footbeds.


    3. HEat moudable is great. A good food bed can really made a big difference. I am a avid skiier and this is where i first felt the difference. If you can get someething that fits you and supports your arch in the right way you will be able to go longer and harder.

      The other thing is that your shoes will not need to be as tight, this avoids that burning hot feeling that you can get after a few hours.

      Safe riding.

  2. If you change the insole, then you will lose the breathabilty of the venting sole, no?
